Waihi Drama Society finally opened the doors of their Boyd Rd theatre in Waihi on Sunday, July 19 for their open day, having been forced to postpone the original four days before Lockdown.
On hand for the public to play with were three sets, and a huge array of costumes. Makeup artists were on hand for finishing touches and sound and lighting boards were also available for those wanting to have a go.
The organising team were delighted with the response with close to a hundred people coming through the theatre doors.
Committee member Terry King braved a cool and windy morning to attach colourful flags along Boyd Rd to guide visitors to the theatre at the end of the road, as one of the motivations for the open day was to "let people know there is a great wee theatre here. So many people don't realise that it's here".
The sets proved very popular with young visitors and many families dressing up together for a photo. Makeup artists Linda Haines and Tracy Carter turned adults and children into wood nymphs, forest animals, pirates, or sophisticated 1920s nightclubbers.