Regular shellfish monitoring along the coast has seen Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) levels fall along part of the Bay of Plenty coastline.
"There is now no PSP concern from Pukehina eastwards. However, the current warning remains in place from Waihi Beach to the northern end of Pukehina," said Medical Officer of Health, Dr Jim Miller.
The Medical Officer of Health continues to advise against gathering or eating shellfish from Waihi Beach, along the Bay of Plenty coast to Rogers Road, Pukehina.
The warning includes Tauranga Harbour, Maketu and Waihi estuaries, Matakana and Motiti Islands, and all other islands along this coastline.
The health warning applies to all bi-valve shellfish including mussels, pipi, tuatua, cockles, oysters, scallops as well as cat's eyes, snails and kina (sea urchin).