Euthanasia, poverty problems and expensive beachside rentals have sparked a flurry of feedback this week. Here's a snippet of our top five.
5. Graham Clark is keen on giving Bay of Plenty Times columnist Garth George a lesson in dictionary use following his piece on the euthanasia debate.

"I have pointed out on a number of occasions why I believe Garth George is a hypocrit - and I would like to point out once again exactly why I believe this is true.
Garth says euthanasia is another word for murder - (he even goes so far as to quote the dictionary meaning) and therefore it should not be allowed
Why not take this example further and look at a few other words that fall into the same category yet Mr George has no problem in inflicting on others.
Lets start with the word TAX: a compulsory contribution to state revenue. Money taken without permission and under duress.
COMPULSORY: Something that must be done under threat of force or coercion.
FORCE: coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence.
A few of the words Garth likes to use - What is more, he has NO problem invoking these upon others.
Garth does not believe that others have rights - You must be forced to do things that HE believes are acceptable.
You may not make your own decisions - they must be made by others more intelligent and moral than you, and followed (under threat of force / fines).
Your life & body are not yours (according to Garth) they are the property of the state."
4. When it comes to the local property market, Brent Winchester questions why beachside rentals are becoming so expensive to live in.