It is signed “every other person on the road” and seems reasonably civil, until you turn it over.
The note contained suggestions on alternative modes of transport.
Photo / u/Hoodoo89
The threat. Photo / u/Hoodoo89
“Next time you will be keyed,” it reads. “Thank you.”
After sharing photos on Reddit of the note and their parking, it was widely suggested to the driver that there was nothing wrong with how the little Nissan Leaf was nestled into the generous parking space.
“I wonder if it was put on someone else’s car, who then picked it up, hated it, and to be a dick just put it under yours? (Possibly ’cause it’s an EV and they’re weird),” one person wrote.
“Parking looks perfect. Probably gave you one because they’re some anti-EV nutjob”, another wrote, though some claimed the Leaf was too close to the kerb.
The parking in question. Photo / u/Hoodoo89
One person accused the driver of obscuring their true identity.
So your real car is a Ranger, right?” they wrote. “The Leaf pictured is just the fulla that parked next to you, right?”
Others called out the design of the card.
“The typesetting and design of the card is an abomination. Vomit-in-my-mouth bad,” one outraged aesthete offered.
“I’ve seen a lot of bad parking, but nothing deserving of this nausea-inducing disaster.”
Someone else claimed they had seen the same card for sale in an Auckland store and an online search shows a wide variety of similar cards are available to order.
Some Bay of Plenty locals suggested that the location might have something to do with it.
“It screams Tauranga behaviour,” one person wrote.