COMMENT: Browsing through the thousands of alphabetically filed records I came across an absolute gem.
I'm sitting writing this article listening to an absolute classic album by Fleetwood Mac. No, it's not Rumours or Tusk, it's Fleetwood Mac at the start of their musical journey.
On a recent trip to Auckland I visited my favourite record store at the top of Queen St called Real Groovy Records.
For lovers of music and vinyl in particular, this place is the holy mecca. It's packed full LPs of all genres and years, new and second hand. I love the place.
Browsing through the thousands of alphabetically filed records I came across an absolute gem. It was a brand-new copy of the original Fleetwood Mac's debut studio album simply called Fleetwood Mac.
The album was released on February 28, 1968, making it 51 years old today.