New Zealand is in the midst of a cost-of-living crisis and, in the words of Act Party leader David Seymour, small businesses are now being forced to pay for pageantry. It's been a tough few years for local business owners, but an extra long weekend just does not make
The Premium Debate: Subscribers weigh in on the new one-off public holiday
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Queen Elizabeth II. Photo / File
Go to work if you don't agree with a holiday. Australia is also a member of the Commonwealth, has a holiday but no one's complaining - get real mate!
- Bill R
So, she gives 70 years of selfless and uncomplaining service to her country and the Commonwealth, was an avid patron/supporter of countless charities, community organisations, etc. Quite aside from all that she showed the value of manners, quiet grace and stoicism under trying circumstances time and time again. And all the author can say is we shouldn't have a one-off public break to pay our respects? I find this attitude incomprehensible and so very sad.
- Jonathan F
In reply to Jonathan F:
Obviously, you are not a small business owner. My daughter and husband run a small building company and this will cost them just under $7,000 in wages. What are people mostly going to do on their day off I wonder? Go shopping? Go for brunch? The garden centre? Few will spend the day contemplating an old woman whose ancestors acquired their wealth by belonging to a kleptocracy!
- Simon B
It's one day to commemorate the death of our Head of State. Quit whinging, build a bridge and get over it. Times are tough; everyone gets that, but remember that businesses aren't the only ones doing it hard. You think times are tough now? I remember the 1970s and 1980s when times were really tough, with double digit inflation and home mortgage rates at around 19 - 20 per cent. Oh yeah, compulsory unionism and wage awards plus lots of strikes. Nightmare stuff. This is a walk in the park by comparison.
- Paul H
If we can't stop to show respect for a Queen who has served for 70 years, who would we respect going forward? However, personally I would have preferred Tuesday 20th, either a full or half day, as I will stay up to watch the funeral live. I probably won't watch a memorial in two weeks.
- Cheryl D
- Republished comments may be edited at the editor's discretion.
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