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Oh fantastic, more inflation. The people who will suffer most are the people just in the wrong age/earning bracket to qualify, who can least afford it.
- Jonathan S
Seriously? Why can’t they just adjust tax in line with inflation? Cut out the middleman. Lift each tax bracket (except the top one), then you would achieve more with a whole lot less admin and allow people to make their own decisions without having to ask the Government for help.
- Jo M
And the lolly scramble begins. Labour is scrapping all their policy and just handing out money. Shows how useless they have been over the past five and a half years. While I’m sure the extra money will be used, it will drive up inflation further and for those of us who work and pay tax, there’s nothing for us.
- Glenn S
Would be great if my salary was indexed to inflation. Working people just get squeezed.
- Federico G
What about those of us who work for a living?
- Mark Y
So beneficiaries can get a CPI increase for doing what? But you can’t pay teachers, nurses, doctors more? Enough to make you give up.
- Lorraine H
Would prefer a tax cut and for the Government to bring inflation under control.
- David P
We can’t afford $2b for this as well. We would be better off putting the $2b into education and health.
Instead of just upping super, why not means-test the Winter Energy Payment? This is given to every person getting super regardless of need - even NZ’s richest men and women can claim it.
- Kathy A
Measures to help in a cost of living crisis that make the cost of living crisis worse. Seems like something Labour would do.
- Belinda L
Why has whining become such a New Zealand habit?
What’s wrong with looking after the elderly and beneficiaries?
If you haven’t worked it out, there is very little unemployment and there will always be valid beneficiaries and there will always be a few bludgers who are on benefits.
Teachers have been offered 7 per cent and they declined. They want extra after-hours pay but don’t seem to mind having 12 weeks of paid holidays a year.
They are well-paid and more highly paid than many professions.
- Tim F
Great, more inflation and the workers pay for it again. I’m surprised anyone under 30 would bother sticking around to pay for this. Just constant handouts. Why don’t they change the tax brackets, have been the same for years.
- Robyn M
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