Unfortunately, even if the investigation fully exonerates him, the whole saga has left him a lame duck. It's not hard to imagine what will happen every time he makes a pronouncement about law and order. And for that, the committee that selected him is fully to blame. If they'd encouraged him to front-foot this issue from day one, this issue would have been resolved in a more sane fashion.
- Paul B
Here is an outrageous suggestion for both the 'Left' and 'Right' commenters: Try thinking about politics without viewing it as us-versus-them, or left-versus-right. Rather think about what is better for NZ as a whole, and as little as possible about your personal needs. Why? 1) It's naive to consider either "side" is significantly more intelligent/stupid, right/wrong. 2) Resisting your subjective or selfish views might make you both happier and more a valuable contributer. 3) You might see that NZ is lucky that our two main parties have as much in common as not. This means during your life you could easily vote for both, at different times.
- Susan H
Well done to National for taking this allegation seriously. Even if it was more than 20 years old.
Witness the difference between a leader like Luxon, who takes immediate action, and Ardern, who tries to make herself and her party blameless. Accusing the victim and not allowing an independent enquiry. It's very telling.
- Justin L
- Republished comments may be edited at the editor's discretion.
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