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So if they're out of control/uncontrollable as teenagers...what are they going to be like as adults?
- Geoff B
I say lock these criminals up - there have to be consequences for criminal behaviour which actually sting.
I'm not interested in the sob story that you can't imprison children. Take the line that it is their criminal actions which lead to their imprisonment.
It infuriates me (and others as well, I'm sure) that decent, law-abiding citizens are having their lives, livelihoods and dreams destroyed by these criminals.
In some ways, this is a familiar situation when anti-social and criminal behaviour arises.
Instead of dealing with it firmly and effectively at once, there is a general attitude of trying to understand the offender and hoping the problem will go away.
Not surprisingly, this attitude is seen as a weakness and the problem continues and gets worse.
Why is anyone surprised?
A government's first duty is surely to protect its citizens. We don't have a free society when criminal and anti-social elements run unchecked.
Let's see some action, politicians!
- Denis M
Lack of consequences is a big issue in society.
From home to schools to life on the streets.
These kids think they can act with impunity, and in many ways they can.
- Ian U
Ram raids only proliferate because there are inadequate consequences. I don't blame the police - when I was burgled they were onsite promptly, they apprehended two of the four youths and got the other two a day or so later. Good work, NZ Police.
In my view, the faults lie with the parents of the offending youth, inadequate consequences for these youth/parents as well as under-resourced police. Oranga Tamariki appears ineffective and Justice woeful.
Several politicians need to work together better to halt ram raids:
Kelvin Davis, Minister for Children - overhaul or disband Oranga Tamariki as it is a waste of time and money.
Poto Williams, Minister of Police - give us more police, and detain errant youth in cells for longer.
Kris Faafoi, Minister of Justice - make sure there are appropriate consequences, not video commendations from ram raid peers.
- Paul B
In reply to Paul B:
Maybe if we give the parents community service instead while their kids watch on they'll take a more proactive approach to their parental responsibilities for their progeny.
Geoff B
I don't think truancy has anything to do with crime, they do this mostly late at night.
Even if we keep kids at school until 3pm, will anyone think they could learn something?
Let them do whatever they want and save the police capacity to do something more meaningful.
Save the resources allocated to these kids and use it to help other students who really want to learn.
Crime, especially youth crime, can never be solved until the western world discards liberalism and its related ideas of political correctness, inclusiveness and excessive tilted right to the so-called underprivileged.
See what's happening in California and check the background of its governor.
- Patrick H
These young people will continue their actions because there are no real consequences.
There are always those who come up with excuses for their behaviour and demand that it's a societal issue, therefore it's up to everyone else to rectify.
- Keith D
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