If gangs want to work with Police then why the delay? Wouldn't they have done it by now? Diddly squat is what they'll do.
Nick C
Why even print the thoughts of a gang on how to fix themselves. The tougher the police are the better along with more accountable of parents whose children are put ramraiding, skipping school etc. It's all about personal responsibility for one's actions.
Tessa C
Touchy feely policy based on mutual respect is not going to cut it, as shown over the last few years. When police give an inch, the gangs will take a mile every time.
Nicholas B
I can't understand why our policymakers are so soft and lenient with gangs. The extreme social and economic consequences of gang-related activity are becoming too much to bear and yet we seem to continue to ignore it and allow it to happen. It is destroying the friendly and happy image New Zealand was known for. The gangs have realised this and are brazen enough now to beat ordinary people on the side of the motorway, axe stabbings, daily shootings and you see the drug mules on Harleys ripping up and down Auckland CBD every hour doing drop-offs. This thinking of negotiating with gang leaders is mind-boggling. Brute force, super-long jail terms and making an example of leaders is how you abolish this once and for all.
Stefan S
Of course the gangs would say that, they don't want a crackdown.
Kathryn M
The criminals are not scared of the possible sentences, police or the courts. Therefore, other tactics must be tried like asking how an unemployed gang member can afford a $10,000 bike. If you can't prove you earned it honestly, you lose it. Pretty simple really.
Tim T
More reason to get tough right now. We should have a dedicated prison for gang members only. That way they can't convert others in the criminal justice system. Somewhere remote.
Colin B
Ban any gang branding and clubhouses. Police should be able to raid any clubhouse, close it down like they can in Australia. Demand annual financial returns from all gang members and make them prove where they got the funds to purchase any assets worth over $5000. Keep locking them up and make them all be in segregation for 5 years straight minimum. Cut the bull and get on with it.
James C
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