I am really interested to hear from those who thought it was of no consequence for the Government to spend billions of our dollars fighting Covid, to supposedly save 15,000 lives (latest estimate vis a vis the US) yet we are happy to not fund life-saving drugs at a fraction of the 'Covid cost' equivalent. Why were some lives 'more important'?
- Rob K
NZ is falling behind other developed countries when it comes to funding drugs like this for our people, yet this Labour government pours millions into cycle bridges and merging RNZ and TVNZ. What is wrong with them?
- Richard C
It must surely cost more to treat them when they are constantly sick, off work etc than it does to give them these potentially life-saving drugs. Incredibly sad.
- Danielle J
If anyone in government is reading, just give Troy and others like him the drug they need. Stop chucking billions down the drain in pursuit of your ideological bs. It means nothing compared to life-saving drugs. That is why you are there, to serve people like this and others.
- Harm B
So the Government is happy to spend millions upon millions on consultants and working groups but somehow can't manage to find any money for people like this.
- Mark Y
Such a shame the Government did not attempt to on-sell the due-to-expire vaccines (rather than dumping them at expiry) at a discount to countries in need. The proceeds could have been utilised to offset some of the cost for these young New Zealanders who are in desperate need of life-saving and enhancing medications. This represents shameful neglect by the Government - and it is time all New Zealanders demanded transparency and accountability in health allocation, spend and services.
- Keith T
- Republished comments may be edited at the editor's discretion.
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