The emails were never meant for publication, Rachel Smalley has done the damage through her own egotistical need to place herself at the centre of events. Surely it’s just wrong to “cancel” the Pharmac CEO and board because they were candid in their internal emails?
-John P
Pharmac simply doesn’t have the budget to cover the costs of all the wonder drugs that everyone wants and that’s just how it is right now. Sarah Fitt should have thought twice before sending those emails, yes, but I would have said “sigh” having to deal with these media people too. The money is not there, never has been and never will be so move on Rachel Smalley and the rest. (Yes, my family have had to pay privately for treatment meds too).
-Larissa F
Let’s hope the new government gets rid of Pharmac and uses the money saved to fund those needy drugs to save lives. It makes more sense to let the Ministry of Health manage what drugs should be funded based on needs.
-Albert C
She should obviously be gone after those terrible comments. But the health department needs to look at itself as well spending $500m, half of Pharmac’s meds budget, on RAT tests that will never be used.
-Chris B
What we all have to recognise here is that the attitude and culture displayed by Fitt and her crew are only reflective of the general malaise throughout our bureaucracy, whether it be national or regional. Their first reaction is how can I cover my butt and the second is how can I avoid doing anything so that my butt is not at risk and I am not accountable.
Then add a school teacher/unionist board chair and you really have a problem.
Until we realise that our bureaucracy is New Zealand’s number one problem/issue we will never progress as a country. Needs a total restructuring and a positive change of culture.
-John S
Not Fitt for purpose. Do the honourable thing and step down.
-Tom B
Pharmac has a difficult job setting priorities for a limited budget. Reading the emails, they show some frustration but do not appear to be particularly derogatory to me.
In my opinion, the response appears to be blown out of proportion to what was actually written.
-Anthony W
Good opportunity for the new government to stamp their mark on accountability and set good behaviour standards from the outset.
-Dianne M
Can’t help thinking that this whole matter is a bit of a beat-up - sacking someone over a couple of unwise emails is an overreaction and smacks of wokeness.
-Brian H
I am staggered by the arrogance and lack of empathy Sarah Fitt obviously has for the very people she is meant to be serving. As she is a supposed leader she has allowed and grown this culture in the organisation. To change this, Fitt must go. Also, the board needs to be reviewed. I note one of Act’s and NZ First policies was a full review of Pharmac, bring it on!
-Mark D
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