The HC Post sent each Thames-Coromandel mayoral candidate the same set of questions ahead of the local body elections. These are candidate Steve Hart's answers:
Q: What do you see as the most pressing issues for the Thames-Coromandel district in the next three years?
Consultation has become extinct over the past 40 years. Transparency, likewise.
I will facilitate open-door, open-subject forums all around the district every Wednesday night to invite our communities' wealth of creative intellect directly into TCDC to debate, argue, construct and instigate.
Fiscal management - over the last decade, considerable waste [has been] flowing out the door through consultants and horrendously overpriced contracts. How much does it take to get a pothole fixed today? Bring back in-house staff who can get all small works done in a day. Overhaul all planning and building consent processes to work with the people, not against them. Design infrastructure utilities and services that are efficient, and built to last to the highest environmental standards. Support our communities. Develop Joint Venture business opportunities at all scales.
A mayor [is needed] that can lead a team of disparate councillors to grow into a harmonious working group, evolving a vision and purpose with integrity while keeping a focus on the needs of the communities wellbeing. The next three, six and nine years will unearth some serious challenges for us all. We will need strong leadership that is more than aware of such [challenges] to hold the tiller.