Do you think rates are affordable and what cuts, if any, would you make to minimise rate rises?
As mayor I would immediately implement an external review of the TCDC financial position and its alignment to the 2022-23 annual plan. This will enable all councillors, community board members and residents/ratepayers to have a clear understanding of what the new council, and new CEO, are working with. One of the outcomes of this will be the alignment of rates and other council revenue against proposed operational and capital expenditure. As a benchmark, annual rate setting must not exceed CPI unless a special rate is utilised - which is agreed to by any impacted residential or ratepayers group.
Please state your views on the following in one sentence per topic:
The development of a boardwalk on the beachfront in Whangamatā?
I cannot support the Whangamata beachfront boardwalk at present – a couple of reasons: climate change impacts; council cannot afford to get involved in expensive legal battles when critical funds are required across higher-priority items.
Tsunami sirens operated by the council?
I believe that the Shoreline Management Plan should be expanded to include not just coastal inundation, but also land-based impacts from rivers and streams, and further include our emergency response to remove the risk to human life. Included in this is the use of sirens which can be applied to multi-use purposes such as tsunami, ocean or river flooding, fire, beach threats or any risk to life or property.
Additional rates on separately habitable units?
As the council's main source of income, I would like to encourage other councillors to support a review of the rating system to ensure it remains appropriate or if adjustments are needed. The likes of separate habitable units could be included. Rates are important – besides providing significant revenue, they can also be used as a mechanism to undertake works that specific sections of our community may request. They can also be used as a mechanism to potentially incentivise development or the provision of community resources. Therefore, a question on rates is significantly bigger than habitable units.
Council meetings broadcast online during meeting times?
Council represents our public; therefore, the council's stakeholders should be able to watch meetings live-streamed. This does not mean newspapers should stop attending council meetings.
Do you have, or have you had in the past three years, any affiliations with any political party or organisation and if so please state them?
Have you been involved in any opposition to Covid-19 health measures including vaccinations, mask usage and mandates? Were you vaccinated?
No, and fully vaccinated.
In one short sentence, why should Thames-Coromandel locals vote for you?
I have a clear vision, the business and commercial experience to govern a complex organisation with turnover exceeding $100m; my career has embraced change whether it was in the news media for Independent Newspapers and News Limited, Air New Zealand or as CEO of the New Zealand Academy of Sport. I am a leader who values fellow team members and our stakeholders.