Now is an exciting time for the regions, Rod Drury, chief executive of leading business software company Xero, told a Tauranga Chamber of Commerce lunch meeting this week.
Mr Drury, who has been based in Hawke's Bay for the past six years, said that technology was allowing businesses to reinvent the regions.
"It doesn't matter where you're from," said Mr Drury, citing the development of Xero from its New Zealand base over the past nine years to become a dominant supplier in Australasia, a leading competitor to Intuit in the UK, as well as a strong contender in the US as its fastest growing market.
"What we are finding is that we have some competitive advantages being from New Zealand," he said. "We only have a small market, which forces you to get offshore and think about being global from day one."
And the company's strong position in its domestic market allowed it to use New Zealand as a test lab for its overseas expansion, said Mr Drury. By contrast, some of Xero's incumbent competitors were having problems breaking out from their borders.