Aaron Pulford (right) was the first man across the finish line at Sunday's Tauranga Marathon. Photo / Maryana Garcia
Aaron Pulford (right) was the first man across the finish line at Sunday's Tauranga Marathon. Photo / Maryana Garcia
The sounds of back-slaps, high-fives, laughing and cheering echoed up and down the Strand as the runners in this year's Tauranga Marathon crossed the finish line.
Crowds turned out in the hundreds today amid glaring sun and 51 per cent humidity to run, have fun, and support their loved ones.
The loudest cheers were reserved for the first finishers; the audience did not have to wait too long.
Aaron Pulford has represented New Zealand in running events overseas and hopes to make a comeback. Photo / Maryana Garcia
Crossing the finish at just 2:33:02, first man Aaron Pulford set a new record for the Tauranga Marathon. Pulford beat the previous fastest time by about two minutes.
"I love the adrenaline. I love the preparation and the work that goes into it, but also the reward that you get out of it at the end is really amazing."
McLean said crossing the finish line was always an emotional experience, but it had been especially so today because his family, who live in the Bay of Plenty, could be there to meet him on the other side.
"It hits you harder than you think it would.
"It's just so nice to be able to have my family around me, and have so many people around the course and around here who keep supporting you even when you feel like you're done."