Two years ago, Lou Te Keeti was rushed to hospital after seeing extra zeros added to his bank balance. He had won $10.3 million in a Lotto Powerball draw - but part of him thought it was a hoax until he saw the evidence in his bank account. His doctor
Tauranga Lotto winner spends $6.5 million in two years
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Lotto winner Lou Te Keeti in 2017. Photo / File
In fact, Lucky Strike is being turfed out of the stables Te Keeti has built at his home by the Wairoa River.

"So much for her name. She is not going to end up paying me back," he said.
Te Keeti says his "valuable assets" are worth $2m. He has "made peace" with his wife Val over spending so much on the horses, and says she shares his passion.
"We have made sure the children and mokopuna are taken care of so, when we go, even if there is no cash left, they will have assets that they can sell if they want to."

Te Keeti says caring for the horses means he is working more now than he has ever done. Although the couple love the work, he has just returned from a short stay in hospital after having a "little scare" with his heart.
"I have to slow down. But I am doing what I love."
The house renovation he planned straight after his Lotto win has not taken place, as Val wanted to retain "the essence of the house". But in summer they are installing a lift and upgrading the bathrooms.
Some of his winnings have also gone towards vehicles, most of them practical.
He upgraded some of his farm vehicles including buying a new ute, splashed out on a horse transport truck for $30,000, and treated himself to a new-model Mercedes.
His only travel indulgence has been a trip to Singapore with his daughter. Val did not want to go as she does not like flying.

"It is not like it was on my bucket list. It was quite enjoyable. I invested in two horses there."
Te Keeti does not buy Lotto tickets any more.
"I would like to, but Val tells me 'don't be silly Lou, we have had our turn, you leave it for someone else."
"She said, 'Lou, don't be greedy, we have had our turn, you give someone else a chance'."
He says people in town still mention the Lotto win.
"Sometimes people tell me they have bought a ticket, and ask if they can rub my arm for luck."