The environmental health of Te Awanui (Tauranga Harbour) and its catchment is stable and showing signs of improvement according to a report presented to Bay of Plenty Regional Council's Regional Direction and Delivery Committee yesterday.
However the report noted that the harbour is still vulnerable to the effects of land use and run-off, which require ongoing efforts by locals, landowners and council staff if long term harbour health is to be maintained and improved.
Regional Direction and Delivery Committee Chair, Councillor Paula Thompson said some interesting trends were starting to emerge from 10 years of water and other environmental monitoring data collection.
"Council staff have been working hard over the last decade to support landowners and businesses in reducing erosion, sedimentation, nutrient and pollution run-off into the harbour. Our efforts seem to be turning the tide on harbour and stream health but there's more work to do," she said.
The report also outlined work that's been completed by Regional Council staff over the last 12 months to care for land, water and wildlife in the Tauranga Harbour catchment.