Tauranga's mobile library service will be axed and parking wardens sent to patrol outer suburbs as the city seeks to keep rates down.
The proposed rates increase currently sits at 8.3 per cent, but at yesterday's city council meeting councillors asked staff to try and find more savings - including removing a $1.5 million debt retirement fund, which would shave off another 1.3 per cent from the final figure.
Most councillors are pushing for a 2 per cent rates hike plus the 4.7 per cent storm water levy, which would see ratepayers hit with a total 6.7 per cent increase.
The levy would raise about $5 million each year, which would go towards solving some of the city's flooding woes, but it divided councillors yesterday, slipping through on to the draft annual plan by just one vote.
After weeks of closed-door discussion, the council revealed plans to raise more money and cut spending (see factbox). The changes and rates increase are not final and will go out for community consultation next month, with many councillors yesterday admitting the budget would "not be popular".