Tauranga City Council commissioners have adopted a range of recommended changes to Bay Venues' business model.
A statement from the council said the changes were designed to ensure Bay Venues Limited's facility management activities were sustainable, community and commercially focused, and would continue to deliver significant benefits for the city.
Bay Venues is a Council-controlled organisation (a company owned by the council) which operates a number of facilities and activities on the Council's behalf.
These range from non-council funded, commercially viable activities and facilities (such as Mount Hotpools and Trustpower Baypark), to council-funded, community wellbeing-focused assets such as halls, community centres, indoor sports facilities and swimming pools.
At today's council meeting, the commission received a strategic review of the company's ownership and business model, produced by McGredy Winder last year, together with a supporting options analysis and benchmarking report.
Commission chairwoman Anne Tolley said the review identified a number of issues which needed to be addressed.