Preschoolers and pupils will be getting their green thumbs out to help with planting native trees in a local park for Matariki.
The idea came from Rebecca Larsen, a Tauranga children's author, who thought planting a cluster of kōwhai trees was a good way to celebrate the Māori New Year.
The trees would be planted at Pacific Park in Arataki today during the "rising of Matariki" and would provide "a cluster of growth" for tūī and other native birds in the area, she said.
Some kindergartens and schools across the city put in a small donation towards each of the trees, with children and parents planning to head down to help with the planting.
Preschoolers and pupils involved were provided with a star to write a wish on to be planted alongside the trees. This having a direct connection to Hiwa-i-te-Rangi, also known as the wishing star of Matariki.