Tauranga ratepayers could be lumped with a $17 million bill if proposed changes to housing development legislation are pushed through unchecked, according to Mayor Stuart Crosby.
Mr Crosby will today meet Tauranga MPs Simon Bridges and Tony Ryall to discuss the financial implications of Housing Minister Nick Smith's bill, which will change how councils can spend developer contributions (DCs) and what fees they can charge.
The legislation limits what councils can charge in respect of commercial and industrial developments and means developers will no longer pay for recreational facilities or reserves for developments that do not involve residential housing.
The bill is designed to make housing affordable, according to Dr Smith, who says the charges on housing developments have gone up more than any other component of housing costs over the past decade, from an average of $3000 to $14,000 and as high as $64,000 in some communities.
"Development contributions need to be set in a way that fairly balances the costs that should rightly rest with a new development and those of community benefit that should be paid by general ratepayers," he said.