Bob Clarkson over paid for that land and just wants to recoup his money in our opinion.
R & M Crisp, Tauriko
Hospital praised
In consideration of the number of negative and derogatory letters over time to your paper concerning Tauranga Hospital, I feel bound to put a positive slant to such correspondence.
I have just spent two nights at Tauranga Hospital and cannot speak highly enough of the organisation, thoroughness and professional service accorded me.
From being admitted through Outpatients to the Coronary Care Step Down Unit, the care and kindness was amazing.
Even though the staff were so busy, they could not have been more helpful explaining exactly what was happening.
From ECG to x-rays to echo, the co-ordination and diagnosis to medication was superb.
Even the food which so many complain about was very good, in fact, I would go so far as to say better than a number of our restaurants in Tauranga.
My sincere thanks to doctors, nurses and staff at Tauranga Hospital. Your team work and professionalism is up with the very best.
Murray Naismith, Welcome Bay
Apartments too
So we have plans to erect a new two-storey building on The Strand. This is a short-sighted policy for a building to last 100 years. There should be two levels of apartments built on top.
This would give accommodation for staff, downtown workers and students.
It would cut down on the car trips for people who live in the suburbs and drive to work - in the CBD area and home again, clogging up roads and choking parking spaces in town.
More people living downtown would give you more customers for all the shops.
At the moment you bus people in and out costing more in fuel.
V Brazier, Tauranga
What's different?
Re the new-look Strand (News, February 1). This so-called new look, shown in the Bay of Plenty Times, looks no different than the crammed up, box-looking buildings that are about to be pulled down, and The Strand won't look much better than it already is.
Of the three new buildings shown in the Bay of Plenty Times, the one to the extreme right has the best looking design.
Keep them all the same and at the same height, and they will look modern. Don't waste ratepayers' money. If you are to change the look of The Strand, than change it, not repeat it.
James Drummond, Papamoa Beach
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