The new Hāpainga Stop Smoking Service, which was launched on Friday, is being run by the Eastern Bay Primary Health Alliance and Ngā Mataapuna Oranga Primary Healthcare Organisation. It will be operating across the Bay of Plenty.
This service is free and patients will be visited in the community at times and locations convenient to them.
"Stop Smoking Practitioners can visit patients at a place and time that suits them," said Alliance smokefree lead Lizzie Spence.
''They will work with individuals or groups to meet their needs and develop a quit smoking plan that works for them. Settings could include their home, marae, work or drop-in clinics."
Once referred via a health provider or self-referral, patients will be offered an initial assessment. A quit date will then be agreed and a quit plan developed. Information will be provided on Nicotine Replacement Therapy and other cessation medications and the follow-up plan mutually agreed.
Ms Harawira said the convenience of the service coming to her could make all the difference.
"To be honest, someone can tell me all day about the bad things to do with smoking, and I know them all, but it has to be my decision. But because the service is coming to me, where and when I want help, of course it will make a difference with quitting smoking."
The Hāpainga Stop Smoking Service is for anyone who needs help to quit smoking, however some priority groups have been identified for special focus including: Māori, Pacific, pregnant women, those with mental health needs and youth. The service is working to the overarching national goal of reducing the proportion of people using tobacco by 2025 to less than 5 per cent.