No one wants anyone to have nuclear weapons, but how I interpreted her letter is that if America can have them why not another country to protect itself from the invasions of America on lies and deceit? That's reasonable.
Referring to Iraq, America must get rid of their weapons of mass destruction first before they dictate to others.
The propaganda churned out by those that control the media has been successful if Adrian Vannoppen and gullible Lynn Gautier are anything to go by.
Could Lynne Gautier show some respect and call Mrs Brooks Mary, or Mrs Brooks? The use of her surname only is insulting, obviously meant to be, thus showing the character and ignorance of the writer, destroying any credibility of her "information" taken from mainstream media who inform the gullible masses what they wish them to believe, and obfuscate the truth.
A Taylor, Tauranga
Soft on criminals
An innocent 5-year-old who came to New Zealand to spend her holidays with her parents has been sexually assaulted by a stranger.
We cannot allow this to happen in this beautiful country.
Imagine Singapore, the country where even the Queen of England could do shopping without a bodyguard. In some Middle Eastern countries if you commit an offence either your finger or arm is chopped off and if it is a serious offence you are stoned to death by the public.
In some parts of America the offender sits in the electric chair and we know where he goes.
In New Zealand we have judges who give the offender name suppression, legal aid, gym and all of the luxury facilities in the prison and reduce the sentence once they enter prison.
This is why this type of offence is on the increase in New Zealand and it is becoming an unsafe country and the Government is not doing anything to reduce the crime and violence.
This offender who committed the crime on the child at Turangi should realise that growing up, this child will have this in her memory forever.
As the Turangi resident who appeared on TV said, bring back the death penalty or send the offender to Middle Eastern countries. Let the judges in those countries deal with the case and give their punishment.
Mano Manoharan, Hamilton
Murderous path
I am not going to continue this debate concerning Israeli atrocities to the Palestinians as there are none so blind as those who will not see. However, I want to confirm that David Zwartz is right in correcting me about the dates of the Ottoman empire. I know when it started and ended so must have not read my letter through.
He states that the UN stepped in and divided up the Palestinian land. They also promised Palestine self-government within 10 years which has become a sick joke! The UN probably stepped in because of the growing tension between British troops and the Jewish Stern gang or Irgun, under the leadership of future Israeli Prime Minister Begin.
The Stern gang began by attacking British immigration offices, tax offices and police stations. In 1944 the Stern gang murdered Lord Moyne, the British Minister of State for the Middle East. Even then the American media were pro-Israel and anti-British, causing a frustrated Winston Churchill to suggest they take over the difficult task!
Originally British troops and the Airborne division had been sympathetic to the Israelis but as the Stern gang continued on their murderous path of killing unarmed British troops, their sympathy turned to anger.
It is high time the UN stepped in again and stopped the Israeli efforts in their ethnic-cleansing of the Palestinians
Mary Brooks, Tauranga
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