What changes happen with your KiwiSaver when you reach 65? If you continue with contributions is there still an annual Government credit? I'll be 65 in March next year and intend not to be in paid employment.
Turning 65 is a big milestone for most KiwiSaver members. As long as you have been a member for at least five years, at this date you will reach what is described in the KiwiSaver Act as the 'KiwiSaver end payment date'. This is also the date on which the member reaches the New Zealand superannuation qualification age.
Currently this is age 65, so you should be able to access your savings at that time.
It does not mean that your KiwiSaver account will be closed, and the money paid out to you automatically. Far from it. The 'do nothing' option is that your KiwiSaver account continues, and your employer (for those members who are still working) must continue passing on your KiwiSaver employee contributions if you wish her or him to do so. Your employer is not obliged to continue making their 3 per cent employer contributions (although some do) and the annual Government member tax credits or MTC also stop. As these are paid out in July each year, and you don't turn 65 until March, you will get around eight months' worth of MTC credited to your account in July.
Your fund manager may write to you a few months before you turn 65, outlining your options. They would prefer that you continue with your account, and indeed if you have no plans to spend all the money within the next year or two, it is a good idea to keep your account going. It is a convenient way to diversify your investments over your retirement years.