Public input is wanted as Fisheries New Zealand and the Department of Conservation work on a plan of action for the conservation of sharks.
The draft National Plan of Action Sharks 2022 sets out directions for the conservation, management, and sustainability of sharks caught in New Zealand waters. It has a vision that New Zealanders will work toward ensuring the long-term viability, biodiversity and functional role of sharks in our marine ecosystems, and that any utilisation of sharks in Aotearoa is sustainable.
Fisheries New Zealand's director [of] fisheries management Emma Taylor says, as apex predators, sharks play an important role in maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems.
"We've made good progress towards protecting sharks through introducing a ban on shark finning practices in New Zealand waters in 2014, and by careful management within the Quota Management System. The draft plan aims to strengthen protection for sharks by ensuring best practice is followed to return any unwanted sharks to the sea alive with the best possible chances of survival."
"It also promotes research into new shark-derived products to maximise the use of sharks that are taken commercially and support sustainability of shark populations."