Tauranga Primary School pupils went back in time to see what education was like for children in the 1830s, when their school was originally established.
With costumes, a set and a little bit of research, the pupils retold the history of Tauranga Primary School and compared it to today's education in a special school production this year.
And the show was wrapped up with a finale featuring the new school song written by three current teachers.
Principal Fiona Hawes said the school production had made this school year a special one.
The school's history is what makes it stand out from the rest.
"Tauranga Primary School is the first school in Tauranga, originally established as a Missionary School in 1835 at its first site at The Elms," Hawes said.
"In 1871, the Central Education Board took over the operation of the school and it was moved twice more before it was located at its present site on 5th and 6th Avenues in 1904."
Hawes said since the peak of 437 pupils in 2005, the roll had steadily increased to up to 500 children.
With those 500 or so children, the school aspired to be a caring and collaborative learning community.
"Tauranga Primary School is committed to inspiring curiosity and encouraging creativity," Hawes said. "We challenge and develop the academic and social skills of our learners so that they can make meaning of their world."
Hawes said the school's teaching and learning practices were based on a learning to learn principle.
"The emphasis is on developing the skills and dispositions of an effective learner alongside building strong foundations in literacy and numeracy," she said.
The principal said the school valued the concept of whanaungatanga - a relationship, kinship, sense of family connection through shared experiences and working together to provide a sense of belonging.
"For us, it is about making strong connections with children and their whanau [family] to create a sense of belonging and family," Hawes said.
"Important events that reflect this value at Tauranga Primary School are family picnics, the way we welcome new families each year with a powhiri."
Special traditions also included the farewell for Year 6 learners with a celebration evening to which families were invited, an awards assembly and the ringing of the old school bell in the school's iconic bell tower.
It was the children that the principal loved most about Tauranga Primary School.
"They are amazing to work with, their curiosity and enthusiasm makes Tauranga Primary School an exciting place to learn and grow," Hawes said.
"I love writing, we do seesaw and get to share our writing with our parents on the seesaw."
Oskah Ryan.
Oskah Ryan, Year 6 (TKA)
"I love all the sporting opportunities - like the rugby league tournament and Top Schools."
The principal, leadership team, teachers and trustees are focused on inspiring students to realise their potential as learners. Students are well engaged and experience success in a wide range of academic, sporting and cultural activities. An effective partnership with parents and the school's community supports a positive learning environment. ERO is likely to carry out the next review in four to five years.
SCHOOL STATISTICS: Location: Tauranga Ministry of Education profile number: 1991 School type: Contributing (Years 1 to 6) School roll: 476 Number of international students: 13 Gender composition: Boys 51%, Girls 49% Ethnic composition: NZ European/Pakeha 62%, NZ Maori 17%, Asian 7%, other European 5%, Indian 3%, Chinese 2%, South East Asian 1%, other 3% Special Features: Technology Centre Review team on site: July, 2015 Most recent ERO reports: September 2012, May 2009, April 2006