Very few birds will dare to fly over Waihi this October.
Locals will be waking up to a chirp-free morning on October 1 after Waihi Drama Society places scary (and not so scary) scarecrows throughout the town centre under the cover of darkness.
A group of creative volunteers from the theatre is getting the ball rolling for the ShOctober Scarecrow Competition this October.
The competition is part-promotion, part-holiday fun for families and for creative types who would like to get involved. Waihi Drama Society (WDS) have put out the call to schools, businesses and the community to get involved.
The idea is to register your interest, make a scarecrow and place it in your garden or on the fence. If there's enough interest, a scarecrow trail will be created. Meanwhile, the scarecrow-making team will decorate Waihi's Seddon St with them.