There is not a day that passes that I don't find myself saying "the internet is a wondrous place". It truly is. The wealth of knowledge we now have at our fingertips, almost every minute of the day is unparalleled.
I say this because I've just returned from a week of leave that, when I think about it, was largely dominated by the internet. From the first day of my leave, which I spent finishing off my last assignment for a post-graduate diploma that I've just completed entirely online, to the following few days spent relaxing on the couch, watching countless interviews with Barack Obama on You Tube, to then Facebook messaging mates to organise coffee and lunch dates. I found myself googling for inspiration before painting our bedroom and browsing Netflix for good documentaries to watch (of which there are plenty!). My quality of life is better because of the internet.
The whole point of taking time off work was to have some downtime after finishing two years of study. One of the best parts was having entire days to fall down the black hole of the internet, clicking link after link to see what took my fancy, what was interesting and what inspired me. I watched documentaries on a range of topics - from Nina Simone's involvement in the civil rights movement, to the downfall of early-90s gaming console, Atari (and the subsequent burial of a whole lot of its doomed E.T. games in an American desert) to a recently rediscovered interview with Steve Jobs from 1995, just before he made his return to Apple and rebuilt it from the brink of bankruptcy.
I wouldn't be able to access any of this great, informative content were it not for having internet access, particularly since our local DVD store closed it doors for the last time at the start of this year. The internet is a great tool, from giving me access to further educate myself, both in a formal and informal way, to connecting me with friends and family on the other side of the planet. I can't comprehend life without it.
I think internet access is something everyone should have. We should be working hard to make fast, broadband access available in all parts of our country, and all parts of the world. The way I see it, the availability of information online is one of the biggest assets of the free world. Do you know just how many tertiary-level courses are available for free online? The Massachusetts Institute of Technology publishes all its course materials online, so they're available to anyone for free. Do you love sharks? You can take a tertiary course in shark biology online for free, too.