If had 'em I'd flash'em too. The Duchess of Cambridge was quite within her rights to do so, even if she knew paparazzi were on the prowl.
There's much envy in the world's reaction to pics of Kate baring her booty. She still has a decent figure is why, and hasn't had any sprogs, so she's had no gravitational pull, unlike some of us who are well along the alphabet in cup size. Any day now we'll be doubled over in special harnesses, so great is our burden. But I digress.
It's a professional thing. Kate has to wear posh evening frocks with low décolletage, and you need an all-over tan to peep through the shoestring straps and lace squiggles. And just think: the poor thing is domiciled in England, where it's always drizzling. She only gets a glimpse of sunlight when she's abroad.
It's nonsense, all this talk of media violation. Aristocrats are brought up being gawked at, and bring up their children the same way, sending them to boarding school at a tender age so they get habituated to a total lack of privacy. How could there be social pages if there weren't aristocrats with triple-hyphenated names to photograph reeling blearily, glass in hand, hilarious hats at rakish angles? Both men and women, I mean.
Kate may have been born a commoner, but let's not forget it was a see-through outfit she wore in a university fashion parade that made Wills suddenly see she was hot.