Based on the story and characters from the Oscar-winning animated movie, this spectacular production by Stage Right Trust challenges the traditional fairy tale in an all-singing, all-dancing, must-see musical comedy.
Join Shrek (Matt Henderson), our socially challenged hero, and his loyal steed Donkey (George Hiku) as they set off on a quest to rescue Princess Fiona (Hannah Spedding) from her tower, guarded by a fire breathing dragon.
Throw in a the vertically challenged Lord Farquaard (Brendon Weatherley), a gang of displaced fairy tale characters, and a biscuit with attitude and you've got a delightful mix of fun, romance and adventure that all ages will enjoy.
It was always going to be a challenge to bring such a classic animated movie to the stage, but director Toni Henderson has done a fantastic job.
Shrek the Musical follows the Stage Right production Blood Brothers last year.