It's "batten down the hatches" at Tauranga Women's Refuge as staff prepare for synthetic cannabis to be removed from shelves.
Refuge manager Angela Warren-Clark spoke to the Bay of Plenty Times about how the centre was expecting an influx of women and children as partners experienced withdrawal symptoms when all legal highs were removed from sale in the next fortnight.
"It's batten down the hatches here as their partners come off synthetics. We've had a lot of women report that the violence is really intense and unpredictable when partners have been on synthetics, and they certainly experience the come-down as being a really awful time for them."
Ms Warren-Clark said the refuge supported removing synthetic drugs from sale because in its experience legal did not equal safe.
"There have been no positives come out of the use of synthetics. A lot of women have talked about their partners changing from marijuana to a legal high and thinking that was the right thing to do for their family, getting away from illegal substances so they won't be failing a drugs test at work."