Josh, 11, Ava 7, Dallas, 39, Alex, 9, CJ and Cohen Telford, 4 at the City to Surf event. Photo/George Novak
Josh, 11, Ava 7, Dallas, 39, Alex, 9, CJ and Cohen Telford, 4 at the City to Surf event. Photo/George Novak
More thana thousand Tauranga residents ran and walked through the rain to take part in this year's City to Surf and Surf to Surf events over the weekend.
The two annual events saw more than 1500 people take part.
The 12km Mainfreight City to Surf event started at the Tauranga Yacht and Power Boat Club in Sulphur Ptwith participants heading over the Tauranga Harbour bridge to the Mount.
The 5km Surf to Surf left from the main beach outside the Mount Surf Club.
First-time participant Dallas Telford said even though the weather was wet and cold he had fun in the event.