I'm a reformed ants-in-your-pants kinda gal. Yeah, I was the one in meditation class who just couldn't sit still. My monkey-mind was all over the place, jumping from the present to the past, back to the future and around and around.
I was like Dory, the wide-eyed blue fish who suffers from memory loss every few seconds on the movie Finding Nemo.
I just didn't "get" how to do meditation. I seriously wondered if I would ever get it, actually, if I'm being honest.
I didn't feel like I belonged in yoga classes. I'd get quite agitated just at the mere thought of being still for a minute or two. Those minutes felt painfully like watching a cup of tea reheat in a microwave.
I had zero idea how to be "present" in the moment. I really was the world's worst fidget. But now I teach yoga and meditation every week, as well as sharing this at the Mindful Moments retreats in Rotorua.