Trust chairman Jim Pearson said they are 90 per cent there in fundraising for the club rebuild.
More than $35,000 has been raised for the Pāpāmoa surf club after a call to arms a week ago.
Last week the club was $700,000 short of its $5.2 million budget to rebuild its rapidly deteriorating clubhouse, however, public donations and other efforts have already shaved that down to just under $600,000.
Local businesses, individuals and even the mayor have generously given what they can to help get the project over the line.
Tauranga Mayor Greg Brownless made a $10,000 donation out of his own pocket towards the revival of the club.
However, these funds have already been counted in the total raised.
A 383sq m section at Lot 303 Te Wharo Dr was donated in December last year by Terrace Views and GJ Gardner offered to build a 182sq m house to be auctioned off for the charity house and land project, to help raise the money needed to fund the $5m rebuild.
The auction is set to take place on April 18.
The board secretary of the Pāpāmoa Community Surf Rescue Base Trust, Michelle Crook, said costs could go up for the rebuild every week due to building inflation, so they were seeking a green light as soon as possible.
Crook said any amount was welcomed and appreciated and with the generous support received, it was clear the build was a "community project".
In the past year or so, two generous individuals each donated more than $100,000 towards the build, on top of a range of other community donations, making it clear that there was a huge "quantum of support" behind the project, she said.
The trust has stripped the build right down to make the cost as reasonable as possible but needed to ensure enough quality for a medium to long-term lifespan, said Crook.
Trust chairman Jim Pearson said they were 90 per cent there in fundraising and hoped to "harness the community and remaining funders for the final push".
The club aims to start the rebuild project next month and have the new clubhouse completed by November.
To donate, search Pāpāmoa Surf Lifesaving Club on