The average advertised salary in Tauranga last year was $54,154, which had increased to $56,298 this year.
"We've been expecting the average wage to rise for a long time because the job market has been extremely strong."
Mr Wade said as the number of vacancies increased in Tauranga so did the average salary as employers attempted to "lure candidates with larger pay packets".
Future Plumb director Henry Ederveen moved his plumbing business to Tauranga a year ago and had been "flat tack" ever since.
With the number of new property developments in the area, Mr Ederveen said he was not surprised there was such a demand for trade-based workers.
"There are so many new developments which require subcontractors, like plumbers, so there's a lot of work going on right now."
Mr Ederveen said plumbers were in high demand for new developments but there was also a lot of work for general maintenance and renovations.
Priority One projects manager Annie Hill said the job market in Tauranga and the Western Bay had been "very strong" over the last few years, topping the country for job growth.
She said in September alone, 177 building consents for new dwellings were issued across the western Bay of Plenty subregion.
"Our population growth, business growth and job growth had seen a huge increase in activity in the construction industry over the last few years."
Ms Hill said this was a result of the growth of businesses that were already based here, as well as new businesses moving to Tauranga.
She said salaries and wages were market-driven, therefore if there was a shortage of a desired skill, then the cost of obtaining people with that skill would increase.
Managing director of 1st Call Recruitment, Phill Van Syp, said he was seeing the same trends.
"We've got a lot more jobs on the go right now, the issue is finding people to fill the jobs."
Mr Van Syp said anyone with any trade-based skills would be employed easily.
"I've got clients who need five people on Tuesday but there just isn't enough people with the right skills."
He said the reason trades, services, construction and roading were in high demand was the amount of construction and road upgrades that were happening around Tauranga.
Mr Van Syp said he was not surprised the average salary for Tauranga had increased as employers had to compete to get the right skilled staff.
"If you've got five companies all trying to fill positions they are going to get competitive, it's basic maths."
He said if employers did not look after their staff "they weren't being smart".
New Zealand Labour Hire Bay of Plenty branch manager Johanna Corbett said they had "jobs for Africa."
"We've got so many jobs available but don't have the people to fill them."
The company used Trade Me to advertise many of their available trade-based jobs and found it useful for attracting "blue collar workers."