A double flying fox, a tube slide with climbing module, an area for younger children, swings for older children and a learn-to-ride cycle path are all on their way to Ila Park's new playground.
Work has started and the current playground has been removed to make way for the new play features to be installed.
Also, as part of the upgrade to Ila Park, toilets will be installed and the main path through the park will be concreted.
Tauranga City Council project manager Christine Wildhaber said concrete paths and playground safety surfacing would be installed during December and January.
"We're aiming to open up the new play area to all to enjoy early next year," Wildhaber said.
"The upgrade is the result of great feedback from the Ila Park community, who took the time to have their say. We would like to say thank you because without their feedback, this new playground wouldn't have been possible."
Ila Park neighbour Cath Waller and her three sons, aged 14, 10 and 4, gave feedback on the design of the playground and are looking forward to the upgrade.
"Our sons are so excited to see work commence at the park this week. They all contributed ideas during the engagement process and were thrilled to see some of their ideas on the plans. They can't wait to have such a cool play space in their community."
The park's upgrade is also the result of the collaboration with local hapū, Ngāi Te Ahi, Ngāti He and Ngāti Ruahine, to include cultural designs within the playground that tell the story of Ila Park.
Ngāi Te Ahi, Ngāti He, Ngāti Ruahine Irene walker said the area was once a thriving wetland and important breeding ground.