Highly respected Tauranga educator Te Iria Whiu, well known for her role as the first Maori president of the New Zealand Educational Institute, died on Saturday.
Mrs Whiu had more than 40 years' experience in the education sector, starting her career as a school teacher and taking on many roles throughout her lifetime.
She was made president of the educational institute in 1995, the first Maori to be elected to the role. After retiring, she continued to mentor teachers and principals in kura kaupapa Maori and developed Maori education services. She had also worked in specialist advisory roles in the iwi and tribal education sectors.
She was involved heavily with Te Matahauariki o Tauranga Moana from 1999 to 2011 and was deputy chairwoman of the Runanganui o Tauranga Moana from 2005 to 2007, which was responsible for the return of Mauao in 2007. She was a trustee of the Mauao trust.
In the Queen's Birthday Honours last year, Mrs Whiu was made a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her services to education and Maori.