Bad blood between Winston Peters and Brendan Horan reached a new low yesterday as the New Zealand First Leader referred to his estranged former political protégé as "the Jimmy Savile of New Zealand politics".
Mr Horan was ejected from NZ First late in 2012 amid claims he had misappropriated money from his dying mother.
While he and Mr Peters have sniped at each other since, the conflict has been particularly bitter in the past week or so with Mr Horan, under cover of parliamentary privilege, claiming misuse of parliamentary funding by Mr Peters and also saying he failed to disclose his interest in a racehorse in Parliament's Register of Pecuniary Interests.
Yesterday, as Mr Horan tried to raise a point order at the start of Question Time, Mr Peters called him the "Jimmy Savile of New Zealand politics".
Later, after Mr Horan raised a point of order seeking leave to table a document from the NZ Racing Conference regarding the ownership of the horse at the centre of his recent claims, Mr Peters chided him for not explaining the document better.