I'm sure they must see these irresponsible people in their travels.
Regarding cycle lanes: cyclists, stay in single file at all times and as far to the left as possible.
Quite often I have seen two abreast and sometimes over the white line. How dangerous can that be to the cyclist?
Cyclists pulling out from behind cars that are parked in their lanes without even looking behind is another example.
I believe there is a bad accident waiting to happen if this sort of behaviour is not sorted soon.
Respect motorists who are paying for you to have your fun out on the road.
Single file, keep left, look behind when overtaking and I'm sure you will get some motorist respect.
Stop arguing
Richard Prince's letter on arrogant cyclists (Jan 17) is another example of blinkered, generalised thinking.
There is a proportion of all classes of road user that are arrogant and show little respect for the law.
For any number of reasons, a cyclist who has fully paid insurances can be using our roads or even some of the cycle lanes that are on the footpath - parts of Cameron Rd.
I'm really tired of the combative arguments on this issue. When are we going to get to the point where we all exercise our choice to share the roads with all other users safely and without aggression?
I'll happily pay any cyclist road user charges introduced, the same as I have paid motorcyclist and motor vehicle charges for 33 years.
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