Opponents often claim that no one wants to visit museums - I guess if you're part of a group of peers who all feel the same way, that's how it must appear.
But it's far from true.
A survey found 403 people that would accurately reflect Tauranga's population make up to scientifically gauge whether people want a museum in the city.
Of this representative group, 40 per cent strongly supported the development of a museum, 24 per cent somewhat supported the development and 20 per cent did not support. Sixteen per cent were undecided.
In other words, 64 per cent of the population is in favour of a museum, to varying degrees of support.
Some of us do want a museum. In fact, it appears a majority of us do.
The problem is that people are less willing to pay for one.
In the aforementioned survey, 20 per cent were willing to pay for a museum through rates, 22 per cent were somewhat willing, 42 per cent were not willing. An even split. (Seventeen per cent were undecided).
There is a vocal group of people in this city who are strongly against the very idea of a museum and definitely don't want to fork out for something they don't want.
They'll grudgingly put up with one if it's the smallest, cheapest option possible, but they won't like it.
I sympathise with these people, I really do. No one wants a higher rates bill.
But we're a city, a fast-growing one, and we should have the facilities to match.
I think back to those museums I've visited recently: Puke Ariki, Rotorua, Russell, Te Papa - all vastly different museums, all in attractive buildings suited to the town or city they're based in, and all tourist destinations.
I want something like this for our city.
A beautiful building where people will be constantly posing for photographs because it looks so good.
A place of gravitas where our precious taonga and artefacts are displayed where people like me can learn more about where we came from and reflect on where we're going.
A place I can visit regularly and that I will be proud to recommend to people.
I want what other towns already have - a museum.