Whenever you embrace the old person you're becoming closer to being every day and start to worry about 'the youth of today and what they are going to turn the world in to', I want you to remember these two things …
1. They'll probably save it. Mainly from the horrendous things WE did to it while growing up/currently not caring about things that involved sustainability (if you've used plastic bags you're part of the problem! If you drive a car you're part of the problem, we're all guilty, save us children!).
2. The youth, despite the fact that they'll stand in a group chatting while also messaging each other about the chat they're currently having while having that chat, do actually care about saving the world.
This was highlighted to me when I went to Mount Maunganui Intermediate this week to talk to some exceptionally caring and talented 12-year-olds about their wearable arts entries for this weekend's NZ Tattoo & Art Extravaganza at ASB Arena. It's this Saturday and Sunday by the way, there's over 200 tattoo artists there, a festival atmosphere with everything from a motorcycle stunt show to a kids' corner!
All the kids who are entering a garment in to the show have made them with recycling and sustainability in mind. The one above is a skirt made with 'Kia Maia' Awards given out from teachers to students at the school each week for great things they've done that week. The top is old jigsaw pieces that were going to be thrown away. Love it when kids get creative.