Today, a disability-friendly costal viewing platform in Papamoa will officially open.
Disabled residents who wanted to be able to enjoy the beauty of Papamoa beach approached the council with their vision for the platform and now it is a reality.
Tomorrow, disabled people will also be able to trial a special lightweight beach access mat at Mount Main Beach.
I think it's great that as a city we are thinking about the needs of all of our residents.
We should be doing what we can to make sure everyone can access the beach and enjoy one of the region's major attractions.
I applaud residents for taking their idea to the council and the council for taking initiative and arranging the construction of the costal viewing platform.
It is a great example of how local government should work.
The out pouring of support that allowed Josh's family to buy him the wheelchair was also inspirational.
I'm glad to see our city thinking not just about themselves but caring for all residents.