Man, I'm a lucky person.
Do you ever stop and take a second to smell the roses, regardless of how hard those metaphorical morsels of flora can be to see amongst the weeds sometimes?
The specific thing this time that's making me feel like a lucky guy is that I've got a father who is alive, I have a good relationship with and I get to see pretty often.
Working in radio, being a celebrant and just life has made me realise two things — there's no such thing as a "normal" family (it would be boring as if there was too) and that you should cherish the great relationships you have with those you call family.
Dad said to me the other day that I reminded him of his dad, a man I never met — he passed away a couple of years before I was born — who was, by all accounts, a standup guy who had lots of passions and talent. He also led his men through a hedge in World War II and stepped on a mine and lost his leg to the blast, so he'd been through a bit too it's fair to say ...