Routine can get boring. The nine to five grind is exactly that - a grind - but the fact is, when you have to work, routine is mostly unavoidable.
We all do what we need to do to break up the monotony. Some people drink coffee to get that little rush. Some people play video games. Some people go skydiving on the weekends.
And some people - more people than you might suspect - take methamphetamine.
On Saturday, the Bay of Plenty Times Weekend reported on the rising use of methamphetamine both in the region and nationally. It has been described by experts as an "epidemic", with some treatment centres saying that P is now the primary substance for which people are seeking help. Another story revealed the toll addiction can take.
It's all very well trying to fund more beds in treatment centres for recovering addicts, but approaching the issue of methamphetamine use like this is a bit like taking paracetamol when you have a headache - masking the symptoms but not actually getting to the root of the problem.