We are very excited to be bidding again to host a World Avocado Congress in New Zealand.
These global conferences are held every four years, and New Zealand has not yet had the opportunity to host it. We are only about 1.5 per cent of the world production of avocados in a good year (maybe that is not surprising), but as with many things, we see New Zealand punching above its weight in the avocado world. Certainly as an exporter, we rank ninth largest in the world, and are increasing the breadth of our export markets.

Although New Zealanders love avocados, and the wonderful health and versatility they get from a Kiwi-produced product, the domestic market is quite small so we export up to 70 per cent of our avocados. Eighty per cent of our exports go to Australia but we are developing the Asian markets and now export to South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Taiwan, India, Malaysia, China and the Pacific Islands. We believe that is more Asian markets than even the huge players like Mexico, which grows over 55 per cent of the world's avocados.
Hosting a world congress in New Zealand allows us to showcase not only our thriving industry, and the collaborative culture we operate in, but allows us to offer avocado growers around the world perhaps a once in a lifetime trip to New Zealand.