Partial birth abortion (now legal in Victoria) where the baby's lower body is destroyed as it emerges from the womb at full termination is literally mind-blowingly appalling.
Yet people become desensitised and think it is okay.
Incidentally, it is not only the Roman Catholic Church that is anti-abortion but I would suggest that most Christian denominations are, as are also Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists, Mormons and Hindu - quite a lot of decent people who are out of step with the vocal pro-abortion minority.
Hylton Rhodes, Tauranga
Not so sure
I read your new columnist, Garth George, what a sad old man. Sorry to say I could not, even with the best will, follow his twisted logic about abortion being the root of all evil in the land of child and women abuse.
Now that the election is over, why not ask Winston back.
At least his column had something to get one's teeth into.
Sorry Garth, for me you don't make the cut.
Roy Edwards, Tauranga
Don't forget kids
Re: Forget scenery, focus on the loo (New, Jan 21).
Overall, the toilets are very basic but to a clean standard.
Since having children though my main focus for public amenities is that I can change my baby or even feed where possible ... sadly this is not the case in most areas.
A few weeks ago, I was most upset when I needed to change my baby in the CBD and the Goddard centre facility is now staff only. Very kindly a clothing store gave me their key to go and feed and change my child after a coffee shop refused, saying customers only (obviously I purchased my coffee elsewhere after).
While in the changing/feeding room, I was rudely asked by another retailer "how did you get in here?", sarcastically I wanted to say I broke down the door.
I think our city needs to become more child-friendly and spend more money on public areas if we are ever to be the top holiday destination we could easily be.
Julie Allen, Tauranga South
Warming scam
AM Goodland's letter on victims striking back was excellent, but I especially enjoyed his last paragraph attacking the man-made global warming fraud (Letters, Jan 21).
Goodland asks "what's in it for Nick Smith?", referring no doubt to the emissions tax we are all now paying as a result of this scam foisted on the population by Gore, the IPCC and the Climategate gang at the University of East Anglia, and others who were found to be cooking the books.
It's a good question because, back in 2005, Dr Smith argued that such a tax would be "mad", as did Australian PM Julia Gillard who boasted there would be no carbon tax under any government she led.
Why did they change their minds the moment they gained power in government?
Political pressure from the United Nations to toe the line?
Where is the emissions tax money going?
Who will New Zealand be paying its penalties to at the end of the year if we are over the legal limit set by the Kyoto Protocol?
Canada wisely pulled out when they faced an $18 billion bill.
And yet there's been no global warming for the last 15 years anyway.
Joe Fone, Christchurch
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