In and around Katikati, the soil and climate mean moth plant thrives.
This weed needs to be controlled now before the choko-like seed pods mature. From late summer into autumn, the pods burst open and release hundreds of parachute-like seeds that disperse widely.
A fast-growing, poisonous vine that originally came from South America, it's very invasive in shelterbelts and hedges. It's unwelcome in orchards as it harbours passion vine hopper, and it's even worse for native plants as it smothers them. The sap can cause painful dermatitis for animals and humans too.
Katikati environment activator Sharon Strong is hoping to boost awareness of this plant which is also called kapok vine.
"At this time of year, it's really hard to miss those plump green pods dangling out of trees", she said. "They might look tasty but they're not — they're nasty."