More state housing is on the cards for Tauranga, as the Government announces changes to the social housing demand.
Social Housing Minister Paula Bennett released the Ministry of Social Development's intentions for Tauranga today.
The ministry's purchasing intentions for Tauranga district were:
•purchase slightly more one-bedroom places (an estimated 40) - some of these could be two-bedroom places where the cost is similar and supply is more readily available
•purchase slightly more two-bedroom places (an estimated 20)
•maintain current levels of purchasing of three-bedroom places
•purchase slightly more four-bedroom and larger places (an estimated 10).
Tauranga currently has 139 applicants on the register in March 2015, 101 are on the housing register and 38 are on the transfer register), making up around three percent of the total register. There were also 1223 occupied social houses in Tauranga district as of March 2014). Demand for one-bedroom and four-bedroom places may not be addressed efficiently through tenant exits.